About the ICC
The International Certificate Conference – The International Language Association e.V. is a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) and Member of the Professional Network Forum at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML), a unique institution at the Council of Europe. ICC sets standards for a transnational network of language learners.
The ICC – the international language association provides foreign languages teaching and learning with exchange of ideas and know how
- proven expertise in projects
- quality assurance
- networking
- an independent voice
- theory and practice combined
- personal development
The ICC is an international association with local impact representing the field of language learning and teaching
- at a local level through individuals and institutions
- at a regional level through networks of members
- at a national level through the involvement of our member organisations in national initiatives and government committees, and
- at an international level through activities and representations at the European Commission and Council of Europe and other supra-national bodies
The ICC promotes quality in foreign language learning and teaching by
- certifying progress and achievement in language acquisition
- certifying teachers’ competence to teach
- assuring the quality of courses offered
- offering guidelines for the evaluation of teaching institutions, and
- providing criteria for the evaluation of teaching materials and courses
As a marketplace for ideas, projects, teachers and courses, the ICC promotes and encourages research and development in language teaching by working together.