Quality Assurance

Certificate of Quality Assurance QAS

The ICC International Language Association has its own Certificate of Quality Assurance recognising excellence and best practice in materials, products and services related to language training.

The scheme is administered by the Quality Assurance Committee (CQA) in conjunction with the board and head office of the ICC.

The CQA provides expert assessment of materials, products and services submitted to it and offers a kitemark of excellence and best practice throughout the language learning world.

Materials, products and services awarded certification by the ICC International Language Association are publicised through the Association’s website and all its meetings and publications.

Successful materials, products and services are entitled to display the ICC Certificate of Quality Assurance on the product packaging and publicity.

The Quality Assurance Scheme brings benefits to:

  • the organisation that owns the product or service by giving international recognition to it;
  • the Membership of the ICC by drawing their attention to products or services of assured quality;
  • other interested professionals through dissemination of products and services accredited by the ICC.