Conference Archive

Think Tank Expert Group Forum in Pilsen, April 2012

THINK TANK – EXPERT GROUP FORUM ELTACS – European Language Teachers Assessment and Certifiaction Scheme

The ELTACS Project Group organised a forum to exchange ideas and expertise as well as best practice on running language classes with a special focus methodology and teaching participants with special needs. Contact the ICC for a summary of the results.

BVV Annual EUROLTA Conference Augsburg 2012

The BVV Annual Conference took place in Augsburg at the local adult education centre on Saturday 6th October. ICC was represented by Rob Williams, Tony Fitzpatrick and Ellinor Haase, ICC.


Auf Einladung von ICC und ESL kamen interessierte Sprachlehrkräfte, Aus- und Weiterbildner zu einem Austauschforum, das im Rahmen des ELTACS Projektes im Juni in Berlin durchgeführt wurde.

Teaching Languages in a Multilingual Society: Issues and solutions

It seems almost too easy to say that we live in a global society. People move from country to country in search of work, in search of a better life, to escape disaster or persecution in their homeland, or sometimes they simply visit and decide to stay. For the language education this produces a whole series of challenges. At the political level there are many questions: which languages to teach, what kind of language user does society need; what resources to direct towards a growing need for tuition. At the practitioner level we are faced with the issues of how to work with an increasing number of needs and with students who often have vastly different expectations of what education is.

That year’s ICC conference offered a timely spotlight on issues surrounding plurilingualism and the multilingual society. As an INGO comprising members from many fields in language education, its focus is on the practical rather than the political. The conference approached the issues under four main themes: integration; classroom practice; materials development and evaluation. With speakers from the worlds of publishing, intercultural communication, education management, ICT in education and those with a range of teaching expertise, the conference offered an opportunity for lively debate on a theme that will influence our concept of language education for many years to come.

2nd ICC Think Tank

The 2nd ICC Think Tank in Athens invites interested professionals to a forum to consider factors involved in what makes a testing mechanism both valid and desirable. The day will take the form of focussed discussion groups with a view to producing a framework to define how currency and marketability might be measured and guidelines for how it might be achieved.

Date: 12 June 2011, 10:00 – 16:00 hrs
The event is hosted by PALSO The Panhellenic Federation of Foreign Language School Owners

For further information and registration please contact the ICC Head office

The currency and marketability of testing mechanisms

At the 2nd ICC Think Tank in Athens, June 2011, interested professionals gathered to a forum to consider factors involved in what makes a testing mechanism both valid and desirable, with a view to producing a framework to define how currency and marketability might be measured and guidelines for how it might be achieved.

ICC 18th Annual Conference 2011 in Winterthur, Switzerland

In his keynote ‘Breaking Down the Barriers’ held at the ICC 18th Annual Conference, March 2011 in Winterthur, Switzerland, Russell Stannard demonstrated how simple technology can be and what a massive impact it can have on teaching and learning.

Read Ian McMaster’s feedback on the conference in his Blog post.

Ian McMaster, Business Spotlight, gave two very inspiring sessions on ’10 years Business Spotlight’ at the Winterthur conference.