In case you are experiencing any troubles by using the online form below, please download the .docx-Version here. This offline form can be edited in any text program like Microsoft Office, Open Office, Libre Office, etc.
Family name *
First name *
Address *
E-Mail *
Phone *
I wish to apply for Individual Membership (EUR 50,00 / year) *
Would you like to be listed as a member on the ICC Website? *YesNo
Please fill in the information you would like to have published. e.g. name, profession etc.
How did you hear about ICC Membership?Personal invitationWord of mouthInternetother
By submitting this form to you agree to the rights and duties as laid out in the articles of the association. *
I agree that my data from the contact form will be collected and processed to answer my request. The data will be deleted after your request has been processed. Note: You can revoke your consent at any time for the future by e-mail to You can find detailed information on the handling of user data in our Privacy Policy. *